
ZD Sows Dryfeeder

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The VERBA ZD-series is a very robust dry feeder especially developed for sows The very heavy construction, use of sturdy materials and a high own weight make this sow dryfeeder the ideal solution for these very powerful sows. The continually adjustable slide allows highly accurate adjustment of this sowfeeder. The light coloured trough ensures a good feed intake. The raised through encourages the sows to keep it perfectly clean and prevents feed residues The pig feeder is finished neatly and strongly using aluminium U-profiles and sturdy stainless steel omega reinforcement profiles at the sides.

– 1 to 5 feed spaces
– White inner surfaces for the best feed intake and hygiene
– 11mm highest quality, unbreakable plastic
-Trough manufactured from high quality type 304 stainless steel
– Strong type 304 stainless steel/plastic high divider
-Type 304 stainless steel strong omega reinforcement profiles at the sides
– Constructed using very strong stainless steel rivets that will not work loose in the way that nuts and bolts do in the long term .
– Rotary knob adjustment for very accurate and easy adjustment
– Heavy weight feeder designed for long life .

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